10 most terrifying haunted castles in England

10 most terrifying haunted castles in England

The staff of “English heritage” is a non — governmental Fund for historic buildings and monuments of England, called castles and old mansions, from where the ghosts and other anomalous phenomena of fear will not be gathered.

Bolsover castle in Derbyshire, where, as they say, there is a Ghost of a boy, quietly taking guests hands, is recognized as the most terrible in England. This verdict is the castle, built over the ancient graves, took out the staff of “English heritage” is a non — governmental Fund for historic buildings and monuments of England.

The survey involved 1,800 employees “English heritage”, which evaluated historical monuments, where they work, according to the degree of horribleness.

The staff of the castle new Cavendish listed the various horrors taking place in it, including the odd steps, wanton slamming doors, muffled voices, and even screams, unexplained lights, and generally feeling a sepulchral cold.

The new Cavendish was built in the XII century and since then in different centuries belonged to various noble birth England until 1883 did not become a desert, and in 1945 its formal owner of the 7th Earl of Portland handed over the castle to the property of the state.

