Fedor Emelianenko Fighter of the mixed style, the President of the MMA Union of Russia Fedor Emelyanenko criticized the head of the Federation of MMA of Russia Oleg Taktarov for holding an unsanctioned competitions in Lyubertsy. Record Fedor did on his page in Instagram. “From 29 September to 1 October 2017 in city Lyubertsy held an unsanctioned tournament, “championship of Federation of MMA of Russia”. The event was organized by non-accredited Federation (FMAR), which inexplicably received the support of the city Administration. Tournaments with sports terminology “championship”, “Championship”, and “Cup” can only be done by accredited in the Ministry of sports organization — the MMA Union of Russia”, — wrote Emelianenko. It is noted that in the fighting was attended by athletes under the age of 12. “Hold competitions and to allow the use of impact techniques to children from 6 years — is unacceptable. Question about children’s games has