The lives of Chinese families in five graphs

The lives of Chinese families in five graphs

In five years, the government of XI Jinping, China became richer and stronger. But how did it affect the lives of ordinary families? Five simple graphs tell about family life, the costs and the formation of modern Chinese.

While in China, emerging new generation of leaders, and the authorities are planning the course for the next five years, the statistics gives an idea on how to change people’s lives.

In 2015, the government has abandoned the infamous policy that permits families to have only one child.

It was assumed that this measure will help to control population growth, but in the end it has created a critical gender imbalance.

Now, when to have more children and have large families officially allowed in China relevant to the same trends as in the rest of the developed world. In a country reduces the number of marriages and more and more couples decide to divorce.

Perhaps the first impression is deceptive.

The divorce rate in China has been and remains markedly lower than in the U.S. or in the countries of Western Europian Elprofessor of psychology at new York University in Shanghai

“In mainland China compared to neighbouring countries a much higher percentage of people that still decide to get married. So the idea that Chinese families (and behind them a society and a nation) apart, has no statistical basis”, — says the researcher.

Even after the completion of the policy “one family — one child” in 2015, its effects will long remind yourself.

In China, even appeared a special term to refer to unmarried men over the age of 30: “shengnan”, that is “nepristoinyi man.”

The case when in 2015 40-year-old Chinese businessman sued a marriage Agency in Shanghai. Looking for his wife he paid 7 million yuan (about $ 1 million), but to choose a life partner for him failed.

“The one-child policy in China has complicated the demographic transition,” says Luis Cuis from research firm Oxford Economics.

The decline of fertility and population aging has affected the size of the workforce in the country and as a consequence slowed economic rolleis Keypressevent research company Oxford Economics

“Although from January 2016 was allowed to have two children, increasing the birth rate will affect the state of the labour market not earlier than in two decades,” concluded Kuis.

