The head of the eccentric philosopher first put on public display

The head of the eccentric philosopher first put on public display

Head of English philosopher Jeremy Bentham who died in 1832, will be exhibited for the first time after a long break. But no blasphemy there — it was wanted during the life of the thinker, shocked contemporaries with his views of the world. At the same time scientists want the researcher his DNA to find out whether Bentham’s autism.

Social reformer Bentham died in 1832, when he insisted that his body was preserved after his death as “auto-icons.” So he could be present at parties of friends to those on it are not missed, explained the philosopher.

He also encouraged others to donate their bodies to medical science, believing that the people must make itself useful to society in life and in death.

Bentham was a staunch atheist, described the Church’s teaching as “nonsense on stilts” and therefore was against the burial according to Christian rites.

For more than 150 years later his body was exhibited in a glass case at University College London, but after a mistake of mummification, the mind of the philosopher is seriously wrong. Now it is kept in a secure place where only goes once a year to check the condition of the skin and hair.

