Igor Prokopenko won the award TEFI for the program “Military secret”

Igor Prokopenko won the award TEFI for the program “Military secret”

The famous TV presenter Igor Prokopenko won the prestigious award of TEFI-2017 for the highest achievements in the field of television arts in the category of “dayside”.

The program host of “Military secret”, which airs on the TV channel REN-TV, was named best in the nomination “Educational program”.

In September, the transfer of the celebrated 20-year anniversary. The project remains one of the most popular on Russian television.

In the nomination “the Morning program” the victory went to the program “Good morning” on “the First channel” and in the category “Best presenter of the morning program” the winner was Julia (the program “Eat at home”). In addition, the prize TEFI in the nomination “Reality show” has won “Tomboy” on TV channel “Friday!”.

The ceremony was held in the concert hall “Russia”.

