As the first Russian University was almost the Inquisition

As the first Russian University was almost the Inquisition

The history of higher education in Russia usually consider the Foundation of the Moscow University, but there was a more ancient institution, the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy.

The history of higher education in Russia usually consider the Foundation of the Moscow University in 1755. And its creators, Mikhail Lomonosov and Ivan Shuvalov, know very well, and the day of St. Tatiana on January 25, in which the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna signed a decree, which is celebrated as a Day student.

But there was a more ancient University, where he studied the Lomonosov — the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy. It still exists today, although under a different name. This year it celebrates 330 years.

The exact date of Foundation of the Academy is unknown. Not satisfied with the ancestors of the commemorative opening ceremonies with the cutting of the ribbons. But the conversation on the topic of education, perhaps the most appropriate time for September 1.

Lack of popularity of the Academy and its creators, there is one logical explanation: the belief that education in Russia began with Peter I, and before anything sensible and progressive obviously could not be.

However, there is one thing preventing unambiguously considered the establishment of the Academy by the triumph of reason.

The forgotten king

In fact, although the Academy opened under Princess Sophia, the main credit belongs to Fedor Alekseevich — the elder brother of Sophia and Peter.

Of kings and emperors, the majority of Russians know that Peter, Catherine II, Ivan the terrible, Aleksandrov Nikolaev yeah and XIX century. Well, murdered Paul, and Alexei Mikhailovich, which Ukraine joined Yes Stenka Razin’s head cut off. The others have been pale shadows, leaving no trace in the public mind.

In the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich ends the period of old Rus and the reign of both of his sons, Feodor and Peter, belong already to a new story.Sergei Colonialistic

Theodore A. in my high school history textbook is not mentioned. Many people think that once Peter was the son of Alexei Mikhailovich, immediately after him, and hast reigned. Was there’s something going on with Sagittarius. What else for Fedor?

Eldest son and heir of Tsar Alexey nature offended health. What exactly he suffered, we at the backwardness of the then unknown to medicine. We only know that he has swollen legs, sometimes so hard that he could not walk.

Theodore died at the age of 21, having been on the throne for six years and left no children.

Many scientists call it a lost chance Russia.

An intellectual on the throne

From such a learned Prince, as Fedor Alekseevich, Russia was entitled to expect special care of education. Unfortunately, the brevity of his reign prevented them to be detected sufficiently. Dmitry Ilovescience

Peter king is not prepared, and his education was engaged in the always half-drunk podyachev Nikita Zotov. And education and training of older children, Feodor and Sophia, were led by Simeon of Polotsk Kiev a monk, highly educated theologian, writer and polyglot.

Fedor was fluent in Polish, Latin and ancient Greek. According to Prince Boris Kurakin, the young king and his friends “read books in the sweet.”

Fedor’s last words before death were lines of Ovid. Of course, the king was delirious, but as they slammed into his memory!

Another contemporary wrote that during the reign of Fedor “in Moscow began to cut hair, to shave their beards, swords and Polish kuntushi to wear, schools to have”. However, unlike Peter, he recommended his court, but not ordered.

