Hope Hicks gets to trump longer than most. It’s already a success

Hope Hicks gets to trump longer than most. It’s already a success

I’ll try whether the 28-year-old hope Hicks to change the style of the President, or he will dictate to her how to do her job?

Last hope, Hicks was head of the press service of the campaign of Donald trump, and that she hired people to work. It was awful.

In fairness it should be noted that while the press service there were few people. But these people did not respond to calls from journalists, and there was chaos. It is not known how it did not affect his career, Hicks.

And now, being in trunovskom the White house, where loyalty to the President is sometimes considered as the main quality of the employee, it went on increasing.

The President behaves rigidly with their press representatives, fast losing patience, when they communicate with the press and the General public not as he sees fit.

Two former Directors of public relations — Mike Dubke and Anthony of Scaramucci — rather quickly left this post. Former spokesman Sean Spicer, also resigned.

In contrast with them, the tramp, apparently, decided to give Hicks a trial period.

Her quiet voice and her gait graceful like a dancer. And besides, she has a definite, although inconspicuous at first sight, the power.

One analyst on foreign policy issues told me how he once talked with her for a couple of minutes in the West wing of the White house, and she asked him if he wanted to meet the President? And then put him in the Oval office.

As White house communications Director will be to advise the President, where he will formulate its strategy with the press. She will also be involved in the decision-making process about who will have access to the President.

The Washington establishment is terrified of how the President trump talks to the press.

Spin doctors, advisors and journalists are always talking about how the President often deviate from the stated topic, constantly sends messages to Twitter, it seems, without due respect to their employees.

Never in all the campaign as well, and now too, anyone in his relations Department has failed to cope with his lack of restraint in relation to the press.

