Residents of a European country conceived to be fined for refusing to vaccinate

Die Presse: Austrian residents are going to be fined up to 7200 euros for refusing to vaccinate … The publication Die Presse writes about this with reference to the bill on the introduction of compulsory vaccination against COVID-19, which is being developed by the government of a European country. The official document will be presented only in a week, but local journalists have already been able to get access to it. Those who do not want to get vaccinated face a fine of 3600 euros, and for refusing to pay it, you can go to prison for four months. For repeat offenders, the amount of the fine will double – up to 7200 euros. It is assumed that vaccination against coronavirus will become mandatory in Austria from February 2020. The requirement will apply to all residents of the country, except for pregnant women, children under 12 years of age and

The analyst predicted the future of the ruble

Analyst Maslov: the ruble has seriously weakened against the dollar, but will not continue to fall during December that the ruble has seriously depreciated against the dollar, but will not continue to fall through December. His words are quoted by the Prime agency. Maslov named the factors that influenced the behavior of the Russian currency. We are talking about geopolitical risks that appeared “against the background of the movements of Russian troops in the Southern Military District near the borders of Ukraine, which alerted the representatives of the United States and the EU.” In addition, the expert noted that the reason for the weakening of the ruble was a sharp the strengthening of the dollar after the Senate approved Jerome Powell for a second term as head of the Fed, as well as after the discovery of the omicron strain of coronavirus in South Africa. Maslov also pointed to the

Supreme Court to Determine Legality of Failure to Appear Due to COVID-19

Kommersant: The Supreme Court will decide whether it is legal not to appear at the meeting due to COVID-19 disease Supreme Court of Russia (ВС ) will figure out whether the coronavirus infection of one of the parties can be considered the basis for revising the outcome of the dispute. The newspaper Kommersant writes about this. The reason for the revision was a dispute between NPTs Enercom-Service LLC and Valery Korneev, in which the losing party refers to the coronavirus disease and self-isolation as the reason for not being present at the meeting and the inability to provide the necessary evidence as a result. The dispute is related to the fact that NPTs Enercom-service LLC, which was declared bankrupt in January 2019, transferred 3.18 million rubles to Korneev from 2015 to 2017 as salary payments, loan refund and transfers to the accountable person. The last payment was made on March

День в истории: 30 ноября

В Лондоне сгорел Хрустальный дворец 30 ноября 1936 года Хрустальный дворец в лондонском Гайд-парке был уничтожен пожаром, точную причину которого тогда так и не установили. Наиболее вероятной версией назвали неисправность электропроводки. К моменту прибытия первой пожарной машины все здание было охвачено огнем. В тушении пожара задействовали 88 пожарных машин и более 1000 человек. К сожалению, спасти дворец не удалось: на его месте не осталось ничего, кроме двух водонапорных башен, груды искореженного металла и расплавленного стекла. Уинстон Черчилль так сказал о гибели дворца: «Это конец целой эпохи». Больше Хрустальный дворец не восстанавливали. Хрустальный дворец был построен из железа и стекла как выставочный павильон к Первой Всемирной выставке 1851 года. Дворец вмещал до 14 тысяч посетителей. Невиданная в викторианской Англии конструкция из стекла и железа имела грандиозный успех у посетителей выставки и жителей города. Начало советско-финской войны Советско-финская война (или «зимняя война») — вооруженный конфликт между СССР и Финляндией, длившийся с 30 ноября 1939 года по 12 марта 1940 года. Его причиной стали территориальные разногласия между СССР и Финляндией. В результате советско-финской войны была достигнута главная стратегическая цель правительства СССР — обезопасить северо-западную границу страны.

Russians warned about changes in laws from December 1

Izvestia: from December 1, the Russians are expected to change, including free social Internet December. Izvestia reminds of the new innovations that come into force. As the newspaper writes, from December a law on “free Internet” will work in Russia, now access to a number of socially important sites can be obtained even with a zero balance. These sites must be controlled or created by Russian citizens operating in the country and located in the .ru, .рф, .su or .deti zones. At least 50 percent of the audience must be located in Russia. In total, the list includes 371 resources, including a public service portal, news aggregators, search services and some social networks and individual online stores. In addition, from December 1, Russia will be able to block websites created by financial fraudsters without a court decision. We are talking about sites that imitate the official sites of banks and

Artificial Intelligence Helps Farmers Increase Yields

CNBC: Ricult App Provides Farmers with Weather Forecast and Risk Analysis time for sowing crops. Artificial intelligence predictions also help banks assess risks and offer farmers affordable loans, CNBC reports. ev The startup provides farmers with satellite imagery with crop health data, expert advice and weather information to help them better plan their agricultural cycle and increase yields despite annual droughts. “We have shown that our technology has increased the basic income of farmers by at least 50 percent,” co-founder Aukrit Unahalehaka told CNBC Managing Asia. The platform also performs risk analysis and yield forecasting. These data, with the consent of farmers, are used by banks to form more favorable loan offers. In addition, banks pay a commission to the company when farmers apply to them for a loan, which allows the application to remain free for ordinary users. According to Ricult, more than 587 thousand farmers are already registered

The doctor called the body temperature dangerous for driving

Therapist Zvonkov: with a body temperature of 37.5 degrees and above it is dangerous to drive Physician Andrei Zvonkov, in an interview with Sputnik radio, said that driving in a sick state can be dangerous both for the driver himself and for those around him. “The situation is epidemic, so any temperature is a suspicion of an inflammatory process and COVID-19. This is an unpredictable disease, a person can feel good now, and lose consciousness in half an hour, ”he said. The specialist urged not to drive with a temperature. According to him, a dangerous body temperature for driving is 37.5 degrees and above. “Until then it is still tolerable, but if there is a tendency for growth, then you can get behind the wheel from 37.2 degrees, and get home from 38.5 degrees,” he said. Zvonkov also added that one should measure the temperature and pressure every time before

Zara and Nike caught in a lie

The Guardian: Major Apparel Brands Involved in Deforestation in Brazilian Amazon on lies in matters of nature conservation. Despite commitments to reduce the harmful impact on the planet, they were involved in the destruction of forests in the Brazilian part of the Amazon, writes The Guardian. Analysts studied the customs data of the main representatives of the fashion industry and found that Coach, LVMH (produces Dior products , Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Guerlain), Prada, H&M, Zara, Adidas, Nike, New Balance, Teva, UGG and Fendi supply leather for products from the Brazilian JBS factory, a deforestation business in the Amazon. However, many of the listed brands have previously announced the termination of cooperation with such enterprises and presented a policy to minimize harm to the planet. Nevertheless, the destruction of trees did not stop, but only became larger. In many ways, it is associated with the deliberate burning of the forest for

The categories of Russians with the right to early retirement have been named

Associate Professor of the PRUE Ivanova-Shvets: those employed in hazardous and hazardous jobs can retire earlier capital “PRUE named after G.V. Plekhanova Lyudmila Ivanova-Shvets, in an interview with the Prime agency, named the categories of Russians who have the right to early retirement. According to the economist, first of all, citizens who work harmful can count on early retirement. hazardous work, in hot workshops, as well as on railway transport and in the subway. Also, those who, due to the increase in the retirement age, have also raised the retirement age, can retire earlier, but it is still lower than the generally established one. This category includes women who have given birth to a certain number of children, guardians, citizens with certain diseases. Early retirement is also guaranteed for people affected by radiation man-made disasters, and for doctors and teachers with special experience, it is from 25 to 30 years,