Married sex robot Chinese will manufacture electronic brides

A former employee of Huawei, Zhang Jiajia, who married a self-made robot, intend to establish their mass production. Reported by the Daily Mail.

Jiajia founded the company, which plans to release the sex robots would be able to distinguish voices, faces and fingerprints. The company uses the advertising slogan “It takes up only one square meter, but it can stay with you for life”.

In March, the 31-year-old engineer from China decided to marry the robot to him behind the parents who kept asking when he will start a family. He built the car and named it Ying Ying.

She knows a few words, is able to recognise and distinguish the Chinese characters. Zheng hopes to improve the robot so it can move independently and help with the housework.

In September it was reported that the first sex doll with artificial intelligence Samantha could not resist the influx of visitors of festival of electronic arts in the Austrian Linz, which by the end of the day, broke her limbs.

