Schoolgirl in Kaluga died after pampering with pepper spray

Investigators Kaluga started checking into the death of 15-year-old schoolgirl in the yard of one of houses of the city. On Thursday, October 5, reported on the website of the regional administration.

According to preliminary data, on October 4, the girl together with the friend bought in the online store of low prices, a gas cylinder containing a mixture of gases — propane, butane, isobutane. The gas she breathed in one of the courtyards of Kaluga.

“The words of a friend of the deceased girl previously, and occasionally “indulged” by inhaling gas from a container. The gas bottle was discovered at the scene and seized”, — stated in the message.

According to eyewitnesses, the deceased was raised in a prosperous family, played sports and did well in school. Investigators appointed forensic medical and chemical examination. Inspection is conducted on signs of the crime provided by article 109 of the criminal code (“Causing death on imprudence”).

Earlier in August in the Moscow suburb of Lyubertsy under similar circumstances killed a ten year old child, and his age was hospitalized. As reported by sources “”, the boy and his friend were trying to “get high” after inhaling a gas lighter, which was the cause of the tragedy.

