The state Duma has prepared a statement following the viewing of “Matilda”

The state Duma has prepared a statement following the viewing of “Matilda”

The state Duma Committee on culture has prepared a special statement on the results of the viewing of the film by Alexei Uchitel “Matilda” with a call to stop trying to ban them.

About it RBC said the first Deputy Chairman of the Committee, MP from the faction “Fair Russia” Elena Drapeko.

The members of the Committee on the results of the view “have concluded that it is bright, interesting, professionally shot film, in which the creative fiction are seamlessly integrated into the context of the history of our great country.”

“I would like to emphasize that the film does not contain any materials that violate Russian legislation, including legislation on protection of feelings of believers”, — emphasized in the draft document, which Drapeko showed RBC.

