The U.S. Senate will ask Facebook for more information about buying advertising from Russia

The U.S. Senate will ask Facebook for more information about buying advertising from Russia

The U.S. Senate will request additional information from Facebook to investigations into the purchase of political advertising of Russia during the us election campaign 2016. A member of the Senate intelligence Committee, Senator from the Democratic party, Adam Schiff in an interview with ABC News stated that the Committee has already received part of the data, but remains “still a lot of unanswered questions”.

“I don’t think Facebook will delay providing information out of fear of conflict. I think that conflict will not arise”, — he said.

In early September the chief of the security service Facebook Alex Stamos on the results of the study reported that associated with Russia accounts for two years to buy in a social network is of a political nature.

In Facebook found nearly 500 false accounts and pages that were used to enhance differences in American society on topics such as bear arms, immigration and the rights of sexual minorities. According to The Washington Post, buying commercials were engaged in a “Troll factory, known for promotion of propaganda of the Kremlin.”

16 September, Facebook gave spectacular USA Robert Muller data about selling advertising space on the social network requests from Russia. According to The Wall Street Journal, these data surpass the volume of a similar, previously sent to Congress.

