In “Fair Russia” offer to punish the overbooking

In “Fair Russia” offer to punish the overbooking

MOSCOW, 18 Sep — RIA Novosti. CP has prepared a bill requiring airlines to return passengers to ten times the cost of the ticket if he can’t fly because of overbooking, writes “the parliamentary newspaper”.

The Ministry of transport in 2015, has prepared a bill allowing airlines overbooking is sale of a larger number of tickets than seats on the plane. It was planned that the law will take effect by the summer of 2016. In June 2017, transport Minister Maxim Sokolov said that the issue of legislative approval of overbooking in Russia is not on the agenda.

“If the passenger paid for the flight, suddenly not enough seats on the plane, the carrier will be required to return the ticket price tenfold. The bill this week is going to bring in the state Duma first Deputy Chairman of Committee of the lower house on energy, the Deputy from “Fair Russia” Igor Ananskikh,” writes the newspaper.

According to the author of the project, many of the Russian airlines sell more tickets than seats on Board. “The airlines have estimated that approximately 7-10% of passengers, as a rule, are late or refuse to fly… that’s the carriers and started up the trick: sell additional tickets to earn more money,” said Ananskikh the newspaper.

