Called the optimal duration of sex

Called the optimal duration of sex

American researchers have found that sex must last for at least 19 minutes, the partners were able to achieve orgasm. At the same time the duration of sexual intercourse most couples, on average, is 12 minutes. On it informs edition of Men’s Health.

The researchers analyzed data on sexual activity 432 couples who enjoyed a special mobile application Lovely. They estimated a duration of more than two thousand sexual contacts and determined the average level of satisfaction with the relationship for the residents of each state individually.

So, couples in Maine make love for about 20 minutes and generally satisfied with their personal life. At the same time in Michigan for sex spent, on average, seven minutes, and people reported desire to change something in their relationship.

As the newspaper writes, scientists from Champissage University in California showed that fewer women get an orgasm if intercourse lasts less than 30 minutes. Sexual activity in this case also included foreplay that contribute to satisfaction. However, experts Lovely did not specify whether they took into account in his study of the prelude.

