The Head Of Saratov Valery Saraev © Official site of administration of Leninsky district, the municipality “City of Saratov” SARATOV, September 11. /TASS/. The head of Saratov Valery Saraev resigned in connection with the violations committed during the September 10 election.
Day: September 11, 2017
Putin agreed with the UN forces out of the line of contact in Donbas
© Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, September 11. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin in a telephone conversation with German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed, with the UN peacekeepers not only on the contact line in the Donbass.
Banned in California to deliver marijuana drones
California Bureau for control over the trafficking of marijuana (California, USA) was forbidden to deliver this product to consumers via drones. On Monday, September 11, reports The Verge. The limitation is due to the fact that the regulatory body has developed special rules for the delivery of cannabis to customers. In particular, the document States that the supplier must deliver the goods to the consumer exclusively inside vehicles or trailers. “Can be transported by aircraft, water or rail cars under the control of the person”, — stated in the rules. A separate paragraph in the regulations prescribed condition according to which the forwarder is forbidden to use marijuana, which he carries. Furthermore, delivery can only licensed companies whose cars are equipped with satellite navigation systems to track the movement of goods. According to the newspaper, the volume of legal sales of marijuana in California is around $ 5 billion per
Switzerland faced two passenger trains
In the Swiss Canton of URI, near the village of Andermatt has faced two passenger trains. On Monday, September 11, reports the Tribune de Geneve. The accident injured 27 people. The movement of trains in the area stopped completely. On the scene working teams of physicians and rescuers. About the reasons of incident information yet. August 11 reported that due to a railway accident in Egypt killed 28 people, 74 passengers were injured.
The attack is militants in the Sinai killed 18 police
Sinai In the attack of militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) on a convoy of security forces in Egypt killed 18 police officers. About it reports Reuters. Cars with law enforcement officers moved around the city of Arish, the provincial capital of North Sinai. Militants blew up the bomb and destroyed three armored vehicles. After that, between the Islamists and police, the battle began. In the shootout, injuring several soldiers, including a Brigadier General, who was in one of the machines — the explosion he lost his leg. Among the victims — four of the medic who tried to help the wounded. On 1 July it was reported that as a result of simultaneous militants attacked five checkpoints in the province of North Sinai killed Egyptian soldiers 70. Responsibility for attack was assumed valid in the province of terrorist grouping “wilayat Sinai”, which is
Britain has accused Russia in violation of obligations
Photo: Reuters Strategic exercises “West-2017” designed to provoke a NATO, which under these conditions must remain vigilant, says British defence Secretary Michael Fallon. “This doctrine, but they clearly are meant to test us. And, given Russia’s behavior in recent times, we must remain vigilant,” writes a British politician in the column “Opinions” on the pages of the Daily Telegraph, noting that over the last ten years, Russia has “invaded” Georgia and Ukraine. Translation of the material presented at Inotv. “We see Russia’s actions in Syria, prolonging this terrible civil war. We saw the Russian planes flying planes and NATO ships, in defiance of international protocols,” he says, noting that Moscow has also influenced elections in the United States, in Montenegro and in other countries, using social media, fabricated news and misinformation, trying to undermine the foundations of democratic States. “Undoubtedly, Russia will now argue that NATO escalate the situation. However,
From North America started disappearing butterflies
From North America started disappearing butterflies One of the most well-known butterflies in North America, the monarch (Danaus plexippus), began to disappear from the Western United States. The details of the study, researchers from the University of Washington can be found in Biological Conservation. “The populations of monarch of the monarch in the West are declining more rapidly than in the East. In the 1980-ies about 10 million members of the species wintered in coastal California. Today there are almost 300 thousand,” — said study author Cheryl Schultz. Like the Eastern monarch, the monarchs that overwinter in Mexico, their Western congeners to overwinter in wooded groves along coastal California, and then in the spring fly to Arizona, Nevada and other States. In the autumn they return for the winter. The exact causes of the decline in the number of monarch monarch in the West are not yet clear. According to
Solar flare has forced the ISS crew to leave the shelter
Solar flare has forced the ISS crew to leave the shelter After the next solar flare that occurred on 10 September, the ISS crew received the command “alert,” signifying the need to go to a special shelter, which is equipped on the station. About it RIA Novosti on Monday, 11 September, said the head of the research Institute of nuclear physics named after D. Skobeltsyn, Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov (SINP MSU) Mikhail Panasyuk. According to him, in that moment, when the ISS passed “past the Sun”, started to increase the proton events, as well as radiation exposure. Powerful flash on the star occurred on September 10, around 19:00 Moscow time. This is the fourth explosion that occurred from the beginning of September. First there was a series of five weak emission energy of the M-class and 6 September, followed by an explosion, which was the largest
The number of supporters of the introduction in Russia of “the dry law” peaked
The number of supporters of the introduction in Russia of “the dry law” peaked Two-thirds of the VCIOM poll is ready to support new large-scale anti-alcohol campaign. Over 40% of Russians believe the government has already taken measures to fight against alcoholism too soft, it follows from a survey conducted by the Russian centre for public opinion studies (VTSIOM). Almost a third of respondents (32%, 10 percentage points higher than in 2006) is in favour of compulsory treatment of alcoholics and 38% would like to revive closed in 2011, the sobering-up stations. In addition, the majority of respondents (53%) advocated the introduction of a complete ban on the sale of alcohol to persons under the age of 21. “Today, the society authorizes the government broad powers to implement rather strict measures aimed at limiting alcohol consumption in terms of the “law of 21″, and the prohibition of advertising of alcoholic
Forecasters have told about the arrival of a record heat wave in Moscow
On Tuesday the thermometer in Moscow will rise to abnormal levels. This was reported Agency city news “Moscow” in the centre of weather “a Fobos” on Monday, September 11. Forecasters expect a repeat of the record heat on 12 September 1932 when the air temperature was 26.4 degrees Celsius, or the excess of this indicator. The city is projected to 27 degrees and Sunny weather without precipitation. The interlocutor of Agency has explained that such a heat is connected with the arrival of the Azores anticyclone. “Azores — he is always very warm, very Sunny, so Muscovites waiting for tomorrow great weather — sun, rain, — the heat in mid-July. The background temperature will be 10 degrees above normal,” he said. The cold will start from Wednesday, but temperatures will still exceed climatic norm, as told in “Phobos” TASS “the Weather will become unsustainable, but still it is 16-21 degrees,