In St. Petersburg opened Russia’s first public refrigerator

In St. Petersburg opened Russia’s first public refrigerator

Leave in the fridge the extra, uneaten, for whatever reasons, the products or take them absolutely for free can anyone. The goal is not only to feed those who need it, but also to keep fit food, because experts lead a truly terrible data: a third of all products in the world utilized.

Even before the opening at the steps charity shop “Spasibo”, which is one of the initiators of such an unusual project on Vasilievsky island all gathered. Some brought twists and pastries, sweets and canned food to fill the fridge, the other — no quibbles choose what to Supplement their lunch menu. To say that Petersburgers such interaction is very much a novelty, perhaps, impossible project “Foddering. Give the gift of food” exists in the Northern capital for a year, and during this time he was joined by not only citizens, but also the producers, cafes and restaurants.

Experts lead a truly terrible data: a third of all products in the world utilityspecific also, CPS has proposed to label products according to the “traffic light”

— Despite the fact that the project is quite new, we’ve already seen a huge response, says coordinator of the “Foddering. Give the gift of food” by Alexander Light. Now in addition to the residents in the project involves many institutions. We have, for example, bakeries that give us every day for 20-30 pounds of their unsold products. Previously, it just would be thrown out, and we handed out bread and muffin people.

Most often, according to Alexandra is Easy, people share what they do not have time to eat, for example, before leaving on vacation, or what’s left after the holidays. Therefore, in addition to cereals or pasta list often includes candies and cakes — the most important thing to arrive swiftly at the specified address and pick up the food. Public refrigerator puts these relationships outside of the Internet and partly simplifies the task, but with some limitations: to bring raw meat, fish and eggs here are not necessary — they will not accept because of security reasons.

The quality of food brought by every day to check volunteers. In addition, each product is sure to be marking — the date when it is made and how much can be stored. If something is not enough fresh, questionable — will be discarded. We don’t want to risk the health of other people, — says Alexander Easy.

To explore the shelves of the refrigerator and pick up any products can everything. However, the project will be a great help for low-income families and those supporters of the “save food”, which may not always use the Internet, say proponents.

Products any part: if you want you can take the whole range, but still there is hope on the consciousness: “We want good food not go to waste, so please take as much as you can eat,” warns the inscription on the door of the refrigerator.See alsoGenetics explained the harm of the refrigerator for the taste of tomatoes

Such refrigerators are already operating successfully in Germany and the Czech Republic, where there was a desire to conserve the planet’s resources and distinctive response to the problem of overconsumption. In the near future they will be familiar to the Russians, confident members of the community “Foddering. Give the gift of food”: the group has already received several requests for organizing public refrigerators in St. Petersburg. The ability to more efficiently dispose of food will appear soon in Moscow is now the capital looking for a good place to put points.

However, in contrast to Germany to participate in the movement of foddering we can not major chain transfer overdue at least one hour products they face big trouble. Public refrigerator — not the only way to join the movement to “save food”. Saturdays from 15 to 16 hours in one of the hostels of the Northern capital, everyone can enjoy a free lunch made from “rescued” ingredients.

