What’s the first thing trump will do as President?

What’s the first thing trump will do as President?

In the entire history of US presidential elections have not won so controversial candidate like Donald trump. His tough statements on immigration has divided the country and scared off many members of his own party.

However, his words “America above all” resonated in the hearts of millions of Americans who felt rejected by the current political system.

So what can we expect from trump as President?

Last month he delivered the Gettysburg speech, in which he outlined the priorities that going to solve in the first 100 days in power.

Based on the text of that speech and promises that trump gave during his other pre-election activities, we may expect him about the steps in the following directions:

—Removal of “more than two million illegal immigrants-criminals”;.

—Introduction of a visa regime with countries that refuse to accept their deported from the US citizens;.

—Cancel all decrees of Barack Obama;.

—Ban White house officials to act as lobbyists;.

—Limiting the number of terms, which can be elected members of Congress;.

—The termination of all payments of the USA in favor of the UN program to combat climate change;.

—Send the released funds for the modernization of U.S. infrastructure;.

—Recognition of China currency speculators.

Key quotes

“The regulatory environment has become a machine to destroy jobs. I’m sure the first day will put an end to the practice of excessive regulation,” said trump in Gettysburg.

“I ask the American people to rise above the noise of political turmoil and to regain faith and optimism that have always formed the Foundation of the American character, he said. — I ask you to re-learn to dream big”.

Other promises

In addition, trump promised to build along the southern US border barrier. The cost of the construction of the wall he intended to impose on Mexico. To the end of his campaign, trump claimed that this plan will be implemented. While it is still unclear how and when.

Another priority trump called the revision of free trade agreements with Mexico and Canada, which, in his opinion, jobs are moving from the USA overseas. However, in the Gettysburg address he didn’t mention it.

In addition, trump has promised to improve relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom he described as a strong leader.

Another campaign promise trump to withdraw from the deal on Iran’s nuclear program. However, again, it is unclear exactly when he intends to break the Treaty signed by the six major countries after 12 years of preparation.

Will he make it?

At the time of the inauguration in the order of trump is not only a Congress where his party controls both houses — a luxury that Barack Obama was able to enjoy only in the first two years of his reign, but the right to appoint a judge of the Supreme court.

In this situation his powers could have even fulfilled the promise to repeal all Executive orders of Obama. At risk, in particular, will be caused a very mixed reaction Americans the intention of Obama to allow 5 million illegal immigrants to remain in the country.

The execution of the decree Obama was blocked by the courts in Texas. The Supreme court also failed to take an unequivocal decision on this score. After winning the trump in the election decree almost lost the chance to enter into force.

Also likely to be cancelled stricter regulation of firearms, initiated by Obama. The new rules obliged the arms dealers have to obtain a license and conduct additional checks of potential buyers before the sale.

At the same time, trump will not be able to do absolutely anything he pleases, as some of the initiatives of the elected President does not find support within his own party, in connection with what to guide them through Congress is not as easy as it may seem.

In addition, due to his controversial comments against women and Hispanics he enters the White house as one of the least popular presidential candidates in recent history.

What exactly happens?

There is at least one area about which the Republicans and Democrats discrepancy was not — modernization of the transport infrastructure. For billions of dollars in investment in this area was made by trump and Clinton.

However, there may be some differences. The Republican party believes that the funds for infrastructure improvements must be unlocked by spending cuts. However, views on what items of expenditure can and should be cut vary greatly.

