Beijing was not allowed to the legislative Assembly of Hong Kong’s Pro-independence

Beijing was not allowed to the legislative Assembly of Hong Kong’s Pro-independence

The Chinese authorities have blocked the inauguration of Hong Kong’s two elected legislators who refused to declare their loyalty to Beijing during the inaugural ceremony.

Removed from their posts sikstus “Baggio” Lingyun Yao and Chien Wai openly advocate the independence of Hong Kong.

According to official Chinese media, Chinese authorities have exercised their right to prohibit to take the position of officials who do not observe the established regulations.

The decision of the Parliament of mainland China notes that legislators must “accurately, fully and solemnly,” to read that part of his inaugural speech, which refers to loyalty to Beijing. Lingyun provocative nuclear weapons and has repeatedly changed the text of the oath.

On the eve was held in Hong Kong rally against Beijing interference in the political life of the Autonomous region, which ended with clashes activists by police.

Some Hong Kong activists openly advocate the independence of Hong Kong from mainland China. For this the authorities in Beijing consider it a threat to national sovereignty and security.

In October, dozens of members of the legislative Assembly of Hong Kong broke the oath of his colleagues in the opposition, and the ceremony was postponed indefinitely.

