The militants refused the offer of Russia to leave Eastern Aleppo

The militants refused the offer of Russia to leave Eastern Aleppo

MOSCOW, Nov 2 — RIA Novosti. Militants in Eastern Aleppo refused the offer of the Russian military to peacefully leave the occupied areas, reports Reuters, citing a statement of one of the factions.

Earlier, Russian defense Minister Sergei Shoigu on behalf of President Vladimir Putin has decided to introduce in Aleppo, on 4 November, the humanitarian pause from 9.00 to 19.00. The militants offered to cease hostilities and to withdraw from Aleppo with his arms on two specific corridors.

“This is not even considered. We will not surrender the city of Aleppo”, — quotes Agency the words of Zakaria Malagigi, representative of the radical group “Fastack”.

The “Fastack” is an ally of the groups of “Ahrar al-sham” and “Jaish al-Islam”, who cooperate with the terrorists “dzhebhat an-Nusra” (banned in Russia).

