In the state Duma opened the first in its history the plenary meeting, which hasn’t missed one member, said the speaker of the lower house of Parliament, Vyacheslav Volodin. His words leads to “Interfax” on Wednesday, September 20.
“Colleagues, we, in fact, probably the first plenary session, when we have no [MPs] only for good reasons: business trips, in the composition of delegations under the authority of the members of the Council of the Duma, or are in the hospital,” — said Volodin.
The head of the Duma Committee on rules Olga Savastianova noted that the hall was attended by 422 MP, as was claimed.
Deputies repeatedly urged to observe labor discipline and not skip sessions. 6 Jul Sevastianova said that “plenary” not visited by an average of 25 parliamentarians. Sometimes, she said, they are not attended by about 50 people.
In November last year, the state Duma of the seventh convocation has amended the regulations, according to which deputies-shirkers lose the sixth part of the salary (approximately 60 thousand) for each pass. A valid reason for absence from the meeting, considered as vacation, illness or business trip. In the spring of 2016 for the systematic absences and the loss of ties with the electorate of the Deputy can be deprived of the mandate.