Farmers have grown calf who thinks he’s a dog

Farmers have grown calf who thinks he’s a dog

American Asheville (NC) farmers living four-month-old calf James, who grew up among dogs.

Publication from Happy Hens & Highlands Farm (@happyhensandhighlands) St 5 2017 6:33 PDT

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James learnt a lot from their friends. The impact that had on his “dog training”, tremendous! Now he also considers himself a dog. Only dog-giant: James is quite large, despite his age, reports the Mirror.

Publication from Happy Hens & Highlands Farm (@happyhensandhighlands) Sept 2 2017 1:09 PDT

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Farm owners Adam Jamal hopson and his wife Emily said that the calf came to him after it renounced the mother and left the herd.

Publication from Happy Hens & Highlands Farm (@happyhensandhighlands) Jul 27 2017 at 3:05 PDT

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James had a slight deviation. For example, he could not understand how to suck the udder of the mother. Then Jamal hopson decided that he would take him home. Eventually rescued the calf grew up among dogs, perfectly adapted and even became popular in social networks.

Publication from Happy Hens & Highlands Farm (@happyhensandhighlands) Sep 4 2017 11:09 PDT

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