In the South of Libya military conflict started because of a monkey

In the South of Libya military conflict started because of a monkey

Moscow. 21 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — at least 16 people were killed and 50 were injured in armed conflict, which four continues day in the city of Sabha in southern Libya, wrote on Monday to The Guardian. The cause of the war between the clans became a pet monkey.

The conflict began with the fact that the animal, which belonged to the shopkeeper clan Gaddadfa, Stasia head scarf with school girls of the clan of the Awlad Suleiman. For that the relatives of the girl killed three members of a hostile family and the monkey.

After that, the city started a real war with tanks, mortars and other heavy weapons.

Gaddadfa and Awlad Suleiman — the most influential clans and the most powerful armed factions in the region. Besides, the Sabha is a centre of weapons smuggling. After the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi in the city is constantly flaring up.

