Party primaries in France defeated Francois Fillon

Party primaries in France defeated Francois Fillon

Moscow. 21 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Former Prime Minister of France Francois Fillon won the primaries of the center-right held in the country on Sunday. The counting of votes is still continuing, however, Fillon is leading by a wide margin, gaining 44% of votes, according to BFM TV.

In the second round of primaries that will be held on November 27, Fillon will compete with another former Prime Minister — Alain Juppe, who on Sunday was voted for by 28% of voters.

#LaPrimaire @AlainJuppe “J’ai décidé de continuer le combat” lance le candidat qualifié pour le second tour

— BFMTV (@BFMTV) 20 Nov 2016

Thus, according to the poll, conducted by Opinionway, the Fillon is a good chance to win. Willingness to vote for him expressed approximately 50% of respondents, while juppé was supported by 44%.

See alsoSarkozy conceded defeat in the primaries in France

In the online survey involved 3095 people who voted in the first round of intra-party elections “Republicans”.

The purpose of these elections is to determine the candidate in presidents of France from the opposition right-wing party.

From the fight for the nomination have already dropped out the former head of state Nicolas Sarkozy. According to received reports, he has received 21% of the vote, finishing third, and has already conceded defeat. The former President said that during the second round will give voice to the Fillon, and also the fact that leaving politics.

