In 2017, the state Duma will be able to have seven assistants. On Thursday, November 10, RIA Novosti said the Vice-speaker of the state Duma from LDPR Igor Lebedev. Informed parliamentarians helped five people.
“Given that there were deputies-odnomandatniki, given that it is necessary to raise the status of Parliament in General and MP in particular, assistants in the regions will contribute to these issues and to improve the quality of work of the Parliament”, — said Lebedev.
Earlier Thursday, the state Duma adopted a decision to fine members for absences from the plenary meetings. As explained the first Vice-speaker of the state Duma Ivan Melnikov, talking about the fact that over the pass without a good reason, the MP may lose one-sixth of the material incentives.
November 9, deputies were obliged personally to consider and respond to the needs of citizens. Previously, the regulations did not clearly describe the response mechanism of people’s choices for treatment. According to the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, the amendment will improve the quality of the work of the lower house of Parliament and will save the voters from the backs, who were assistants and employees of the office of Deputy.