The situation with HIV was critical in 10 Russian regions

The situation with HIV was critical in 10 Russian regions

According to the health Ministry, especially the difficult situation has developed in Sverdlovsk region and Yekaterinburg, where already declared the HIV epidemic.

Moscow. 10 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — To date, ten regions of Russia are considered to be critical from the point of view of the situation with the spread of HIV infection, said the head of Ministry of health of Russia Veronika Skvortsova.

“In the first place Sverdlovsk, now Yekaterinburg, which has hit the press lately,” she said on Thursday.

Livethe Number of HIV infections in Russia may grow 2.5 times by 2020

In early November, the press service of the health administration of Yekaterinburg announced that every 50th resident of the city infected with HIV. “In Ekaterinburg was registered on 26 693 cases of HIV infection, but it is only those cases which are officially known, the real incidence of the above… we Have the rate of infection — 1826 people per 100 thousand is 1.8% of the population of the city”, — stated in the message.

According to the Russian government, since 2006 in Russia, the number of new HIV cases is growing 10% a year. From 1985 to 2015 in the country was 824 706 thousand cases of detection of antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus.

According to the adopted world health organization Global strategy for the health sector on HIV 2016-2021 years, ending the epidemic of HIV infection must be identified at least 90% of possible HIV-infected and to provide at least 90% of HIV-infected antiretroviral therapy.

