VTSIOM said about the negative attitude of most Russians to Sobchak

VTSIOM said about the negative attitude of most Russians to Sobchak

95% of the respondents know well or heard something about the TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, who declared his presidential ambitions, but 60% of respondents rather negative attitude to it, VTSIOM said.

All-Russia centre of studying of public opinion (VTSIOM) presented survey data on how Russians know how to assess and Ksenia Sobchak. According to polls of 2015 were not published polls (there RBC), know it well 72% of the respondents, 23% had heard something about the presenter. Awareness Sobchak is growing — in 2012, only 57% knew her.

Despite its popularity, the journalist evokes primarily negative emotions of the respondents: 60% relate to it in a rather negative and only 21% rather positively (proportion has varied slightly since 2012).

Sociologists have also studied the acquaintance of Russians with the concept of “non-systemic opposition” — only 12% in 2016, could lead certain Association with this expression.

