The SPD is leading in the elections to the land Parliament of Lower Saxony

The SPD is leading in the elections to the land Parliament of Lower Saxony

BERLIN, 15 Nov — RIA Novosti, angelina Timofeeva. The social democratic party of Germany (SPD) leads to early elections to the land Parliament of Lower Saxony, right-wing party “Alternative for Germany” takes place in the Parliament on the results of an exit poll released after polls closed.

According to preliminary data, the SPD receives from 37 to 37.5% of the votes, in second place the Christian democratic Union (CDU) with 35%.

The Parliament also hosts “Green” with 8-8,5%, liberals from the Free democratic party with 7-7,5% and right-wing party “Alternative for Germany” with 5.5%. “Left”, according to preliminary data, do not pass the five percent barrier from 4.8 to 4.5%.

The formal reason for holding early elections in Lower Saxony was the loss of the majority in the diet, the ruling “red-green” coalition (SPD and greens) after the Deputy from “Green” Elke Twesten moved to CDU. The results of the elections could affect the process of forming a new German government: it is no coincidence that the preparatory consultations with the victorious parties in the elections to the Bundestag will start only next week.

