The residents of the Rostov region Peter and Vasil Nikolaenko were found guilty of kidnapping two women and the use of slave labor. On Wednesday, October 11, the press service of the regional Prosecutor’s office.
The court found, father and son took advantage of the fact that the victims had shelter and livelihood. 20 Nov 2016 men fraudulently brought home women for the work of the management.
“The attackers seized the documents of the victim and, threatening with application of violence, began to use their work free of charge”, — stated in the message.
It is noted that women held in uninhabitable premises in the city of Millerovo, Rostov region. When they tried to escape, overtook them at the town bus station, brought back home and was severely beaten. To free slaves managed 31 January this year.
Petro and Vasyl Nikolayenko found guilty under articles 127.2 (“Use of slave labour”) and 126 of the criminal code (“Abduction”) and was sentenced to seven and five years of imprisonment with punishment serving in a corrective colony of a strict mode.
Earlier in September the international labour organization (ILO), part of the UN, stated that, according to conservative estimates, in 2016 in slavery were 40.3 million people. Three-quarters of this number are women and girls.