Chess lessons will introduce to elementary school, said Vasiliev

Chess lessons will introduce to elementary school, said Vasiliev

MOSCOW, 10 Oct — RIA Novosti. In the next two years in the lower grades of Russian schools will introduce compulsory lessons in chess, said the Minister of education and science of Russia Olga Vasilyeva on the pravchasa in the Federation Council.

Chess club for primary school pupils there are in schools 70 regions of the Russian Federation, just play chess 742 thousand of Russian schoolchildren, Vasilyeva reported earlier in the meeting the Chairman of the government devoted to extra-curricular education of children.

As for the obligatory introduction. We plan in the next two years, starting next year, with 1 on 4 class — one hour a week.Olga Vasiljeviene of education and science of Russia

She noted that for teachers it will not be difficult.

Previously Vasiliev called the five areas of further education, which, in its opinion, should be in every school and be free of charge: theatrical, musical, technical, sports and chess.

