Became the subject of litigation in Nizhny Novgorod cat died last year

A resident of Nizhny Novgorod appealed to the court against ex-husband demanding the return of the cat from “unlawful possession”. However, the pet died last year, told the Fifth channel on Monday, October 9, the ex-spouse of the plaintiff.

According to the man, his ex-wife bought a cat-of-breed 10 thousand rubles. In December last year, the cat died from natural causes, as he has repeatedly said in court: it is not her first claim — “before the case was tried to solve the world court”.

Earlier it became known that the Lenin district court of Nizhni Novgorod will consider a civil case for recovery of property from unlawful possession, “and that cat.” In the lawsuit of a resident of the city said that the former husband is “holding pet against her will as the owner of the animal, without any legal grounds and, most likely, does not provide proper care for him.” The woman pointed out that in vain sought her husband’s consent to bring a cat from December 2016, but noted that this could have happened because of the death of the pet.

