Politics, money and guns: how the carnage in Las Vegas will have an impact on the arms market in the US

Politics, money and guns: how the carnage in Las Vegas will have an impact on the arms market in the US

Mass murder fanned the smouldering conflict between the Democrats and the American gun lobby.


The shooting of a music festival in Las Vegas has become the bloodiest incident of its kind in U.S. history. While politicians continue to argue about the tightening of legislation in the sphere of arms trafficking, the sale of pistols and rifles renew yearly highs, and the stock sellers arms grow.

The value of the shares of American gun companies increased after the massacre: on Monday, the securities of Sturm, Ruger & Co. rose by 3.5% on Tuesday — by 2.1%. The shares of the Corporation American Outdoor Brands (which owns the brand Smith & Wesson) has increased in price by 3.2% and 2.4%, respectively. Sounds gloomy, but the securities gunsmiths often expensive in light of such events: after the mass murder in San Bernardino County in 2015, shares of American Outdoor Brands immediately jumped by 11.5%. This happens because gun enthusiasts are scared of possible sanctions, snapping up literally everything that is available.

However, in Las Vegas the sale of weapons in the United States was gaining momentum. As reported by Fox News, in August of this year, almost 2 million Americans have applied for the purchase. This is 70 000 more than the year before. May as well beat last year’s figures.

If we consider the abnormally high demand for weapons during the greater part of the 2016 (presidential election, because Hillary Clinton is in favour of tighter controls) one can say that the country is arming itself.

What can prevent

The former presidential candidate from the Democratic party immediately responded to the shooting in Las Vegas: October 2, Hillary Clinton wrote on Twitter that Steven Paddock could kill more people if I used the device silent shooting (in everyday life, a silencer), legalization sought by the national Association of gun owners (NRA). The next day, the Republican faction has announced that consideration of the bill postponed indefinitely.

However, the failure of the attenuators may seem to members of the NRA a pinprick compared to other possible sanctions. The fact that Stephen Paddock purposely used small accessories that Democrats have repeatedly proposed a ban everywhere (in some States they have banned). When police released photos from the scene, all hope that the Paddock has been using illegal weapons collapsed — it turned out that the shooting was carried out including rifles AR-15 and AR-10’s (purchased legally), equipped with shops of the increased capacity and devices for conducting automatic fire.

