Belgian and French paratroopers staged a massacre at a nightclub in Gabon

French and Belgian paratroopers staged a massacre in one of night clubs of the capital of Gabon, Libreville. On Wednesday, October 4, according to

As a result of fighting injuries and injuries to three citizens of Gabon. Institution caused significant material damage. On victims among servicemen is not reported.

Upon this occurrence, the Belgian military Prosecutor’s office launched an investigation against the eight soldiers of the third battalion Tirenskogo airborne regiment. They are sent to the permanent location in Belgium.

On measures against the French military are not reported. Paratroopers from both countries participated in the exercise “Tropical storm”.

On 5 July it was reported that in the Lithuanian city of Jonava beaten by four unknown soldiers of the Bundeswehr is part of NATO battalion, deployed in the Republic. Injured in a skirmish the German soldiers were in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

