All discussing the size of the moles. As dogs? Like cats? As mouse?

All discussing the size of the moles. As dogs? Like cats? As mouse?

Situation: a lot of people don’t know how big a mole really is. So first a little test.

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I hope you answered correctly. Moles began to discuss after the tweet rapper Harry Ax, which in late September published a survey about the size of these animals.

The most popular answer in the poll of the Axe was “comparable to that cat.” Approximately 250 people believe that moles are as big as dogs, and for several dozen it’s a microscopic animal the size of a beetle. The option that is closest to the true, — “comparable to the mouse,” chosen by 43% of respondents.

In explanation of the poll of the Ax on the website “the Executioner” published material “People really don’t know what size the mole. I checked”. The author Paul Gorodnitsky says that he asked this question to friends and strangers, and all greatly exaggerated the size of the animal:

