Damage to the suburban nature was estimated at 38 million rubles

156 violations of environmental law identified the Ministry of ecology and nature management of the Moscow region in the course of Supervisory activities in the past month. This was reported on the website of the regional government on Monday, 2 Oct.

“Damage to the environment identified during the September checks, estimated at 38.1 million rubles and will be charged to violators for compensation,” — said the Minister of ecology of the region Alexander Kogan.

Just in September, the staff of the state ecological supervision conducted 687 inspections of compliance with environmental legislation. The sum of imposed fines amounted to more than 10 million rubles, the report States.

On 12 September, the environment of the suburbs proposed to give health inspectors the right to fine individuals for illegal dumping of household waste. Kogan explained that for sanitary cleaning of the territory of the responsible authorities of the municipalities, but the levers to do this, they do not have.

19 July, it was reported that on the territory of the region in the framework of the project “General cleaning” liquidated thirty-one dump. The next day, 30 cubic meters of household and construction debris eliminated in the Noginsk district at the request of the Ministry of ecology and nature management of the Moscow region.

