Director of the charitable Foundation in Irkutsk himself threw million rubles

The founder of the Irkutsk charitable Fund “Oberig” Alexander Sobolev, admitted that he threw a bag with a million rubles in the institution, to attract the attention of companies. He told about it on the Fund “Vkontakte”.

“People have lost a sense of charity, have lost faith in her. Money is sorely lacking. In my defense I want to say that malice had not have done this consciously to draw attention to the unpleasant feature of our society. It was the end of the month, and it was necessary to close the current questions, for the sake of experiment took the money not in cash, as usual, and in point of reception of things,” — said Sobolev your act.

Director of the Foundation added that “a little taken aback” by media attention and seven visitors that “with honest eyes” he said that accidentally lost their money.

On September 26 at the point of reception and distribution of the staff of the Fund “Oberig”, which is accompanied by single mothers with children, found the bag, which in addition to the items was a package with a million rubles. The Fund reported that it was delighted to a generous donation, but then decided that someone could simply forget their belongings. Social networks have offered to return the entire amount if “lost” her right name the other things in the bag. Neither of posing as the owners of the bags couldn’t do it.

