Assange said that in Catalonia began the world’s first Internet war

Assange said that in Catalonia began the world’s first Internet war

MOSCOW, 30 Sep — RIA Novosti. The founder of WikiLeaks Julian Assange called the situation around the referendum on the independence of Catalonia the world’s first Internet war. He wrote about this in his microblog Twitter.


Assange noted that citizens and the provincial government use the Internet to organize a referendum on independence, and the Spanish intelligence service carries out information attacks, freezing the telecommunications network, occupying the building of communication and censors hundreds of websites and Internet protocols.

According to the founder of WikiLeaks, what is happening in Catalonia is the biggest conflict in the West between people and government since the fall of the Berlin wall.

“I urge all our supporters everywhere, including among professionals, help to expose and circumvent the practice of the Civil guard and the National intelligence centre, which are used for the illegal censorship of the press, the voters and of the government of Catalonia”, — said Assange.

The government of Catalonia intend to spend on 1 October, a referendum on independence, which Madrid did not recognize. Spain’s constitutional court suspended all documents on the voting procedure adopted by Generalitat and the Catalan Parliament, declaring their actions illegal.

