The group’s activities underground gunsmiths stopped in 21 regions of Russia

FSB stopped the activities of a group of underground gunsmiths operating in 21 regions of Russia from the Central part of the country to the Urals. TASS on Friday, September 29, reported the public relations Center (DSP) special services.

“Raided 62 of the citizens involved in the acquisition, production, modernization and sales of weapons, as well as his smuggling supplies from the territory of Ukraine”, — stated in the message.

In the course of investigations were confiscated 181 firearms foreign and Russian manufacture, and also stopped the work of eight workshops for the manufacture of ammunition and “modernization, civil weapons of limited destruction in combat counterparts”.

Currently solves a question on excitation of criminal cases. In addition, the FSB is conducting additional investigative work “in securing evidence of illegal activity of detainees, including abroad”.

In June last year it was reported that during a joint operation of the FSB and the Russian interior Ministry was arrested on 14 underground gunsmiths. The criminal group operated in three regions of the country.

