There is no chemical weapons: how a small Kizner of the Udmurt glorified Russia

There is no chemical weapons: how a small Kizner of the Udmurt glorified Russia

The last kilogram of chemical weapons destroyed in Russia in the object “Kizner” in Udmurtiya. Thus, Russia has fully complied with its obligations under the international Convention on the prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons and on their destruction.

KIZNER (Udmurtia) — September 27, RIA Novosti. The last kilogram of chemical weapons destroyed in Russia in the object “Kizner” in Udmurtiya. Thus, Russia has fully complied with its obligations under the international Convention on the prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons and on their destruction.

The small village of Kizner, lost in the picturesque forests of Udmurtia, hardly ever got would be world famous. But on Wednesday there was solemnly destroyed by the last kilo of the available once Russia 40 thousand tons of stocks of chemical warfare agents. The event attracted attention, including that of foreigners — representatives of countries-participants of the Convention. At the destruction ceremony was attended by representatives of EU countries, USA, Canada.

There is no chemical weapons

The command to destroy the country’s last stockpile of chemical weapons gave the President Vladimir Putin during a teleconference with the others.

The destruction process is fully automated, the destruction of the last stockpile of chemical weapons takes place without human intervention.

So journalists along with other participants of the ceremony were able to watch the process from start to finish on a special screen.

Party of two chemical artillery ammunition were filed on the so-called line of demilitarization is a closed technological line, under reduced pressure. Next each shell was drilled, of which evacuated a toxic substance, which is directed into the reactor and chemically neutralized. Yourself ammo then double-washed and calcined in a furnace at temperatures of up to 1000 degrees. After that, the shells were tested for the presence of residues of chemicals, cooled and prepared for export.

A few minutes — and the chief of Federal management on safe storage and destruction of chemical weapons Colonel-General Valery Kapashin reported to the President about the successful completion of the process.

Historical event

“Today we have a very important, you can say, a historical event, because today is the elimination of the last chemical munition of Russian chemical weapons stockpiles,” — said Putin during a teleconference with the others.

