The world Bank spoke about the global crisis of school education

The world Bank spoke about the global crisis of school education

The world Bank noted in world global crisis of secondary education, stated in its report “the Potential of the education system: how to learn to implement it.”

According to the study, in developing countries for the period 1950 to 2010 years the time that people spend on an average, primary education has grown from two to more than seven. Thus, in 60 years people are spending more than three times as much time trying to master the basic skills — reading and arithmetic, but the General level of education in developing countries rose slightly.

Children spend more time in school, but not learning, the report says the world Bank.

The researchers found that between the level of economic development successes in the education of the younger generation is a direct connection. While the inhabitants of poor regions to achieve material success need more knowledge and skills than the resident rich, economically developed country.

So, about 60% of primary school students in developing countries are not able to perform the most basic actions is to count whole numbers to explain the chart. This situation is typical, for example, to Peru and Nicaragua. For children of the same age in developed countries such as Japan, Norway or Australia, the same tasks were light, they handled 99%, 98% and 91% of students, respectively.

