The media learned the name of the main contender for the post of head of Dagestan

Sergei Melikov

The main candidate for the post of head of Dagestan is the first Deputy Director of Regardie Sergei Melikov. About it on air of radio station “Moscow speaking” said the co-Chairman of the Russian Congress of peoples of the Caucasus Ruslan Kurbanov.

According to him, the resignation of Ramazan Abdulatipov was prepared long ago, and Melikov tried to hold this post, appointed presidential envoy to the North Caucasus Federal district. “His tenure as Ambassador allowed him to become better acquainted with the Republic and to understand the depth of her problems. The Kremlin has deliberately pursued in the heads of the republics of the North Caucasus generals who made a career at the Federal level,” — said Kurbanov.

27 Sep Abdulatipov, who led Dagestan in 2013, announced the intention to resign. The main reason for this decision 71-year-old politician called age. He also noted that to quit is better “on the rise, and then when I failed at something”, and his resignation implies a General “gardening staff”.

Earlier about intention to resign as announced by the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk region Victor Tolokonsky. On the eve of Russian President Vladimir Putin has fired the 70-year-old Governor of Nizhny Novgorod region Valery Shantsev. On 25 September the resignation of Samara Governor Nikolay Merkushkin.

