“The book of Mormon” became the most expensive ever sold a manuscript

“The book of Mormon” became the most expensive ever sold a manuscript

MOSCOW, 27 Sep — RIA Novosti. The fundamental text of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints returned to the followers of the teachings of Joseph Smith for $ 35 million, reports The Guardian.

The book is a handwritten copy of the original, written by Joseph Smith himself. A copy of the record of manuscripts the price of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints purchased from members of the community of Christ based early Mormons also revere this text.

The Mormons appeared in the US in the XIX century. Her followers believe that in the spring of 1820, fourteen-year-old boy named Joseph Smith was “God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ”, from which he learned that the Church originally established by Jesus Christ on Earth is no more. Smith tried to rectify the situation and created the “Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints”. The capital of the new religion the Mormon city of salt lake city.

And in any country where Mormons live, they always defend the interests of the US, because the Holy believe that after the resurrection Christ visited America, and when He again comes to Earth, the new Holy land will be on the territory of the United States.

Today the Mormon Church is one of the richest in the world. Its representatives actively participate in political life and have a large weight in the American establishment. Among the most famous modern Mormonism — an influential Republican, former candidate for US presidents of MITT Romney, whose fortune is estimated at $ 200 million, and a future U.S. Ambassador to Russia John huntsman with a fortune of a billion dollars.

