McCain told about the minimum chances to defeat brain cancer

John McCain

American Republican Senator John McCain, in an interview to CBS News said that in the fight against brain cancer, doctors give him a very poor prognosis.

“Some say about 3 percent, some — about 14 percent,” he said about the Outlook for successful treatment.

McCain has indicated that there is fear of what will happen, but he is “happy that he lived a great life.”

The Senator also said that lately he thinks a lot about Senator Edward Moore Kennedy, who died under similar circumstances in 2009. “He kept working and never gave up, because he loved his job,” said McCain.

On September 10, McCain said he could not outline in pink his illness. “The forecast is pretty good. I was faced with a serious form of cancer, can’t talk about your condition in pink tones, but the treatment results have been excellent,” he said.

July 19, U.S. media reported that 80-year-old McCain removed a blood clot above his left eye. The tissue analysis conducted after this procedure, showed that it is a glioblastoma — the most aggressive form of brain cancer.

