Rating trump has fallen to record lows

Rating trump has fallen to record lows

The rating of the President of the United States Donald trump fell to a record, becoming the lowest in 71 years. About it reports TV channel ABC News.

66 percent of respondents believe that the 45th President has done more to divide the country than to its unification. For this indicator, the trump surpassed his predecessors Barack Obama and George W. Bush, whose results for the first eight months of the Board were unhappy at the 55 percent of Americans.

59 percent of respondents believe that trump doesn’t keep his promise to “drain the swamp” — to change the politics of Washington.

On 12 August it was reported that the approval rating of the trump grew up. The results of the survey, which was conducted by the organization Rasmussen Reports, showed that the current occupant of the White house approves 45 percent of respondents, the number of dissatisfied was 53 percent of Americans.

The inauguration of the 45th President of the United States took place on January 20.

