Disastrous victory of Angela Merkel

Disastrous victory of Angela Merkel

When the vote in Germany was over, Angela Merkel has arrived at the election headquarters of the party to observe the counting of the votes, but looked crocked and thin.

Leaving the car, she managed to crack a smile — a first for the assembled journalists, and then to the congregation at the headquarters of supporters of the party.

Merkel knew with high probability that she will win this election. But this is not the victory, had hoped for at her party and herself. For conservatives, this is the worst result since then, she led the Christian democratic Union. Perhaps because voters responded to her policy of “open doors” for reception, which in Germany came more than a million migrants.

In his address to the party Merkel acknowledged that the past four years were not easy. However, she added, despite all the difficulties, the party has achieved its goal — to score the most number of votes.

Applause sounded a bit unconvincing. Because real success in this election has made “Alternative for Germany” (AfD).

At the other end of the capital, in the hall, decorated with white and blue balloons, the members of this anti-immigrant party of eurosceptics celebrated the victory: it was obvious that she was not only the first time get into Parliament, but will be in the Bundestag the third largest faction after the CDU Merkel and the social Democrats of the SPD.

Alexander Gauland is one of the leaders of the AfD, and now one of the deputies triumphantly announced to the audience that his party will not give Angela Merkel.

