Will make Russia attractive for migrants


RIA Novosti

In Russia proposed to compensate for the decline in the labour force at the expense of workers. With such initiative at the Center for strategic research (CSR) Alexei Kudrin. This is reported by “Vedomosti”.

The idea was developed in the report “Proposal for a migration strategy up to 2035”. According to Rosstat, the population will shrink without the annual influx of migrants to 250 — 500 thousand people. In 2010, the years of the able-bodied population of Russia decreased by a million people a year.

In CSR argue that the main problem of migration is the lack of a clear understanding of why Russia needs migrants. Experts suggest the organization to the head of state or government to prepare a message for the public about the role of migration in the country, to develop the migration code to create the Department on migration. To the CSR noted the need for legislative consolidation of the principle of equal pay for migrants and Russians, the possibility of migrants to study in Russia applied specialties in the loan. In addition, it is proposed to replace the internal migration check on the INN.
According to experts of the organization, all these measures will make Russia a more attractive country for labor migrants.

