New state: Garbage island in the ocean the size of France. Former Vice President al Gore is ready to become its first citizen

New state: Garbage island in the ocean the size of France. Former Vice President al Gore is ready to become its first citizen

In the Pacific ocean has long existed the so-called “Great Pacific garbage patch” — a giant accumulation of small plastic particles; they are called “trash continent.”

On this “continent” can not walk, can not see it from space: a spot of debris, formed by the ocean currents, too sparse. However, it causes significant damage to marine animals and the environment; and what to do with it, is still unclear. The British edition of the LADbible, specializing in the meme and viral video, decided to turn the “garbage patch” in the current state it already has its own currency, postage stamps, passports and the first citizen.

“The great Pacific garbage patch” discovered in the late 1980-ies. In fact, this is a huge accumulation of small plastic particles in the North Pacific ocean. It is quite difficult to notice: the satellite images of spot quietly, not seeing it and passing sailors. It is caused by the small size of the plastic particles, which are in the Northern part of the Pacific ocean herding the North Pacific current; it creates something like a whirlpool in which accumulate plastic particles. The area of the spot is unknown, the most conservative estimate it is about 700 thousand square kilometers, that is more the size of France and about the same as the entire territory of Texas.

