Beat reporter NTV the bearded man told the date of the fight with a journalist-“playboy” from Perm

Alexander Orlov

Alexander Orlov is hit NTV correspondent Nikita Razvozzhaev live in the day of the airborne troops, called the date of the battle with the Perm journalist Novel by Cetini. Your post Orlov published “Vkontakte”.

“Ladies and not so gentlemen! Answer all the frequently asked question, the fight will take place on the seventh of October in the “Moscow city”! The twenty-seventh of September will be a press conference where you will learn more in detail, in the meantime, continue to prepare!!!)))))”, — wrote the man who was in the social network under the name roly-poly Yaroslavky.

4 August Roman Cetin from the Perm region through the social network suggested Orlov sparring. “I on behalf of the entire journalism against the bearded man. We are in the same weight class. But I’m willing to gain ten pounds of fat in the body or crap in the head to be on an equal footing with the enemy,” — said the journalist.

The next day, the eagles accepted the challenge. “You do not have habits to reject such proposals!) Challenge accepted sir!) See playboy, I’ll meet you on the forehead!!!))))))” — he wrote.

Eagles hit the Front with a fist in the face during a live broadcast at the fountain in Gorky Park in Moscow, where paratroopers celebrated the Day of airborne forces. Reporter conducted a report titled “Spilled blue…” Judging from the video, the reporter approached a man who was swearing and threatened to seize the Ukraine. The journalist politely asked him to shut up, and then got hit.

The bully was arrested for five days for disobedience to police officers during the arrest. In addition, a criminal case on the beatings.

