Two suspects, a bomb exploded in the London underground. They have been brought up in the famous English family, who grew a 268 foster children

Two suspects, a bomb exploded in the London underground. They have been brought up in the famous English family, who grew a 268 foster children

On the morning of 15 September 2017 in London exploded a homemade bomb in the subway at the station “Parsons green”. The police admitted that it was a terrorist attack.

The last train stopped at the train station someone left an improvised explosive device; it looked like a white plastic bucket-like container for paint or mixes, wrapped in a plastic bag of supermarket Lidl. According to Sky News, the bomb was clockwork. The makeshift bomb contained the initiating explosion of a substance (acetone peroxide), nails and other metal objects. Law enforcement authorities believe that the explosive device detonated completely.

The explosion injured 29 people. Mostly they were hospitalized with burns, none have injuries that are life-threatening.

The responsibility for the explosion took on the terrorists of the “Islamic state”.

The first suspect was arrested exactly one day. At 7:50 am on 16 September in the port area of the city of Dover the police stopped 18-year-old young man. Later he was arrested “on suspicion of preparing a terrorist attack”. Name the police calls. According to Bi-bi-si, is a refugee from Iraq. For the last three years he lived in the town Sunbury-on-Thames in a family of older foster parents. From Iraq he ran away when he was 15 years old — after they killed his own parents.

