Scientists have learned about an unusual burial ritual in ancient Ireland

Scientists have learned about an unusual burial ritual in ancient Ireland

Scientists have found that people who inhabited Ireland in the stone age, performed the rite of “deconstruction of the body” of the deceased before burial.

About it reports “RIA Novosti” with reference to the Irish edition of the Leitrim Obeserver.

An international team of scientists analyzed the bones of 40 people found in seven tombs, which date back to the period between 3500 and 2900 years BC.

All of them were cremated, so the experts had studied as burnt remains, and preserved.

It is noted that the remains were found traces of stone tools on the spot of the tendons and ligaments in major joints such as shoulder, elbow, hip and ankle.

According to the Professor of anatomy, johnny Gerber, it indicates that in primitive societies was distributed complex burial ceremony, during which special attention was paid to the “deconstruction of the body”.

According to researchers, these rituals played in ancient societies a special role and was aimed at maintaining a spiritual connection with the ancestors.

