Putin instructed to equalize the effectiveness of GPS and GLONASS

Putin instructed to equalize the effectiveness of GPS and GLONASS

MOSCOW, 19 Sep — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin at the meeting of the Commission for military-industrial complex has set the task to equalize the effectiveness of GPS and GLONASS by 2020 to reach competitive performance, said Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin.

“The emphasis the President put on GLONASS. He believes that it is imperative today to go on an equal footing with the Americans position: GPS and GLONASS should be equal in power,” — said Rogozin on the results of the meeting of the Commission.

Vice Prime Minister also noted that while the Russian system is two times lower than the us, but, he said, to go out on competitive indicators by 2020 succeed, due to the launch of new vehicles.

In addition, Rogozin stressed that the import substitution in the field of electronics plays an important role for the aerospace industry.

